Development options

This document contains various thoughts on future development options. Also on the table is a complete rewrite.

Better symbolic preprocessing

Most Modelica tools do a number of preprocessing steps to simplify the system. This makes it easier to calculate initial values and speed up solutions. Here are some links:

Better initialization

The current initialization support is weak. It relies on DASSL or Sundials to calculate initial values, and that doesn't honor Unknowns with fixed initial values. Placeholders are in the Unknowns for this, but they are not honored. The idea is to use solve for initialization. Right now, this works with Kinsol and can solve non-differential systems. Better symbolic support should make this easier.

Mapping to a GUI

Though I have no plans for a GUI, it's interesting to think about. I'm not sure this functional / nodal approach works very well for mapping to a gui.

A gui can easily generate the functional representation of a model pieced together in a gui. The reverse is the challenge. Can we have a gui that reads the code and makes a graphical representation of that?


This one's easy. Just use whatever format Julia settles on.

Graphical representation

The icon definition of an object could be returned as part of the object's constructor call, either as an equation that's parsed specially or as a separate component. A link to an SVG file would be the easiest. A nice feature is having the icon image change based on parameters. That's tougher to accomplish. Icon changing could be nice to adjust the number of ports (optional heat port for example) or to indicate grounding configuration.

Model input parameters

This one's tougher. How can we pull in parameter information? I'm not sure how to retrieve method argument lists in Julia. For mapping to a gui, this is probably the most important function. We want a documentation string, a label, units, and more. Instead of arguments being simple values (like nodal voltages), each would need to be packed with more information. For example, a node voltage may become:

type ElectricalNode
    unit::String # physical units
    X::Float64   # graphical coordinate
    Y::Float64   # graphical coordinate

The type above could be split into pieces, with standards for annotation. In any case, we'd need standard extraction methods to pull data out about parameters.


This is the biggest deficiency of using a nodal approach. It's tough to see how to map connections. As a user plops down models, where is a given "Node" defined?

Maybe a node could have a graphical list of the connections to all top-level models attached.

TODO: Look at how Simplorer (VHDL-AMS) works.

One option

One option to including GUI-related metadata is to use method definitions. Here is an example of a resistor definition along with methods defining metadata that use the same signature, except with a leading "tag".

function Resistor(n1::ElectricalNode, n2::ElectricalNode, R::Signal)
    i = Current(compatible_values(n1, n2))
    v = Voltage(value(n1) - value(n2))
        Branch(n1, n2, v, i)
        R .* i - v   # == 0 is implied

# Icon - returns a file in SVG format
Resistor(::SIMS_ICON, n1::ElectricalNode, n2::ElectricalNode, R::Signal) = readall("img/resistor1.svg")

# Parameter metadata
Resistor(::SIMS_PARAMETERS, n1::ElectricalNode, n2::ElectricalNode, R::Signal) = {
    {"n1", ElectricalNode, "Positive pin (potential `n1` > `n2` for positive voltage drop `v`)"}
    {"n2", ElectricalNode, "Negative pin"}
    {"R", Signal, "Electrical resistance"}

# Parameter metadata - alternate definition
Resistor(::SIMS_PARAMETERS, n1::ElectricalNode, n2::ElectricalNode, R::Signal) = {
    "Positive pin (potential `n1` > `n2` for positive voltage drop `v`)"
    "Negative pin"
    "Electrical resistance"

Some ways to improve on what's above are:

type MyType
    male::Bool      # converted to checkbox
    state::Choices(["AL", "AK", "AZ"])  # not sure if this will work

MyType(::SIMS_PARAMETERS, male::Bool, radius::Float64, name::String, state::Choices) = {
    {"Male", "Tab1"}
    {"Conductor radius, m", "Tab1"}
    {"Name", "Tab2"}
    {"State", "Tab2"}

Also, this approach does allow changing the icon based on parameters. I'm not sure it helps with the problem of mapping connections.

Web interfaces

An easier application to think about is an autogenerated web interface to a model. For that, we need the model input parameters and maybe a diagram. We don't need a full two-way GUI. The diagram can be static.