Control and signal blocks

These components are modeled after the Modelica.Blocks.* library.

Continuous linear



Output the integral of the input signals

Integrator(u::Signal, y::Signal, k,       y_start = 0.0)
Integrator(u::Signal, y::Signal; k = 1.0, y_start = 0.0) # keyword arg version


  • u::Signal : input

  • y::Signal : output

Keyword/Optional Arguments

  • k : integrator gains

  • y_start : output initial value




Approximated derivative block

This blocks defines the transfer function between the input u and the output y element-wise as the approximated derivative:

             k[i] * s
     y[i] = ------------ * u[i]
            T[i] * s + 1

If you would like to be able to change easily between different transfer functions (FirstOrder, SecondOrder, ... ) by changing parameters, use the general block TransferFunction instead and model a derivative block with parameters as:

    b = [k,0]; a = [T, 1]
Derivative(u::Signal, y::Signal, T = 1.0, k = 1.0, x_start = 0.0, y_start = 0.0)
Derivative(u::Signal, y::Signal; T = 1.0, k = 1.0, x_start = 0.0, y_start = 0.0)


  • u::Signal : input

  • y::Signal : output

Keyword/Optional Arguments

  • k : gains

  • T : Time constants [sec]




First order transfer function block (= 1 pole)

This blocks defines the transfer function between the input u=inPort.signal and the output y=outPort.signal element-wise as first order system:

     y[i] = ------------ * u[i]
            T[i] * s + 1

If you would like to be able to change easily between different transfer functions (FirstOrder, SecondOrder, ... ) by changing parameters, use the general block TransferFunction instead and model a derivative block with parameters as:

    b = [k,0]; a = [T, 1]
FirstOrder(u::Signal, y::Signal, T = 1.0, k = 1.0, y_start = 0.0)
FirstOrder(u::Signal, y::Signal; T = 1.0, k = 1.0, y_start = 0.0)


  • u::Signal : input

  • y::Signal : output

Keyword/Optional Arguments

  • k : gains

  • T : Time constants [sec]




PID controller with limited output, anti-windup compensation and setpoint weighting


LimPID(u_s::Signal, u_m::Signal, y::Signal, 
       controllerType = "PID",
       k = 1.0,      
       Ti = 1.0,    
       Td = 1.0,   
       yMax = 1.0,   
       yMin = -yMax, 
       wp = 1.0,     
       wd = 0.0,     
       Ni = 0.9,    
       Nd = 10.0,    
       xi_start = 0.0, 
       xd_start = 0.0,
       y_start = 0.0)
LimPID(u_s::Signal, u_m::Signal, y::Signal; 
       controllerType = "PID",
       k = 1.0,      
       Ti = 1.0,    
       Td = 1.0,   
       yMax = 1.0,   
       yMin = -yMax, 
       wp = 1.0,     
       wd = 0.0,     
       Ni = 0.9,    
       Nd = 10.0,    
       xi_start = 0.0, 
       xd_start = 0.0,
       y_start = 0.0)


  • u_s::Signal : input setpoint

  • u_m::Signal : input measurement

  • y_s::Signal : output

Keyword/Optional Arguments

  • k : Gain of PID block

  • Ti : Time constant of Integrator block [s]

  • Td : Time constant of Derivative block [s]

  • yMax : Upper limit of output

  • yMin : Lower limit of output

  • wp : Set-point weight for Proportional block (0..1)

  • wd : Set-point weight for Derivative block (0..1)

  • Ni : Ni*Ti is time constant of anti-windup compensation

  • Nd : The higher Nd, the more ideal the derivative block


This is a PID controller incorporating several practical aspects. It is designed according to chapter 3 of the book:

K. Astroem, T. Haegglund: PID Controllers: Theory, Design, and Tuning. 2nd edition, 1995.

Besides the additive proportional, integral and derivative part of this controller, the following practical aspects are included:

  • The output of this controller is limited. If the controller is in its limits, anti-windup compensation is activated to drive the integrator state to zero.

  • The high-frequency gain of the derivative part is limited to avoid excessive amplification of measurement noise.

  • Setpoint weighting is present, which allows to weight the setpoint in the proportional and the derivative part independantly from the measurement. The controller will respond to load disturbances and measurement noise independantly of this setting (parameters wp, wd). However, setpoint changes will depend on this setting. For example, it is useful to set the setpoint weight wd for the derivative part to zero, if steps may occur in the setpoint signal.




Linear state space system

Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.StateSpace Information

The State Space block defines the relation between the input u=inPort.signal and the output y=outPort.signal in state space form:

der(x) = A * x + B * u
    y  = C * x + D * u

The input is a vector of length nu, the output is a vector of length ny and nx is the number of states. Accordingly

    A has the dimension: A(nx,nx), 
    B has the dimension: B(nx,nu), 
    C has the dimension: C(ny,nx), 
    D has the dimension: D(ny,nu)


     StateSpace(u, y; A = [0.12, 2; 3, 1.5], 
                      B = [2,    7; 3, 1],
                      C = [0.1, 2],
                      D = zeros(length(y),length(u)))

results in the following equations:

  [der(x[1])]   [0.12  2.00] [x[1]]   [2.0  7.0] [u[1]]
  [         ] = [          ]*[    ] + [        ]*[    ]
  [der(x[2])]   [3.00  1.50] [x[2]]   [0.1  2.0] [u[2]]

                             [x[1]]            [u[1]]
       y[1]   = [0.1  2.0] * [    ] + [0  0] * [    ]
                             [x[2]]            [u[2]]
StateSpace(u::Signal, y::Signal, A = [1.0], B = [1.0], C = [1.0], D = [0.0])
StateSpace(u::Signal, y::Signal; A = [1.0], B = [1.0], C = [1.0], D = [0.0])


  • u::Signal : input

  • y::Signal : output

Keyword/Optional Arguments

  • A : Matrix A of state space model

  • B : Vector B of state space model

  • C : Vector C of state space model

  • D : Matrix D of state space model



NOTE: untested / probably broken



Linear transfer function

This block defines the transfer function between the input u=inPort.signal[1] and the output y=outPort.signal[1] as (nb = dimension of b, na = dimension of a):

           b[1]*s^[nb-1] + b[2]*s^[nb-2] + ... + b[nb]
   y(s) = --------------------------------------------- * u(s)
           a[1]*s^[na-1] + a[2]*s^[na-2] + ... + a[na]

State variables x are defined according to controller canonical form. Initial values of the states can be set as start values of x.


     TransferFunction(u, y, b = [2,4], a = [1,3])

results in the following transfer function:

        2*s + 4
   y = --------- * u
         s + 3
TransferFunction(u::Signal, y::Signal, b = [1], a = [1])
TransferFunction(u::Signal, y::Signal; b = [1], a = [1])


  • u::Signal : input

  • y::Signal : output

Keyword/Optional Arguments

  • b : Numerator coefficients of transfer function

  • a : Denominator coefficients of transfer function





Limit the range of a signal

The Limiter block passes its input signal as output signal as long as the input is within the specified upper and lower limits. If this is not the case, the corresponding limits are passed as output.

Limiter(u::Signal, y::Signal, uMax = 1.0, uMin = -uMax)
Limiter(u::Signal, y::Signal; uMax = 1.0, uMin = -uMax)


  • u::Signal : input

  • y::Signal : output

Keyword/Optional Arguments

  • uMax : upper limits of signals

  • uMin : lower limits of signals




Generate step signals of type Real

Step(y::Signal, height = 1.0, offset = 0.0, startTime = 0.0)
Step(y::Signal; height = 1.0, offset = 0.0, startTime = 0.0)


  • u::Signal : input

  • y::Signal : output

Keyword/Optional Arguments

  • height : heights of steps

  • offset : offsets of output signals

  • startTime : output = offset for time < startTime [s]




Provide a region of zero output

The DeadZone block defines a region of zero output.

If the input is within uMin ... uMax, the output is zero. Outside of this zone, the output is a linear function of the input with a slope of 1.

DeadZone(u::Signal, y::Signal, uMax = 1.0, uMin = -uMax)
DeadZone(u::Signal, y::Signal; uMax = 1.0, uMin = -uMax)


  • u::Signal : input

  • y::Signal : output

Keyword/Optional Arguments

  • uMax : upper limits of signals

  • uMin : lower limits of signals




Generate a Discrete boolean pulse signal

BooleanPulse(y, width = 50.0, period = 1.0, startTime = 0.0)
BooleanPulse(y; width = 50.0, period = 1.0, startTime = 0.0)


  • y::Signal : output signal

Keyword/Optional Arguments

  • width : width of pulse in the percent of period [0 - 100]

  • period : time for one period [sec]

  • startTime : time instant of the first pulse [sec]
