Design Documentation

This documentation is an overview of the design of Sims, particularly the input specification. Some of the internals are also discussed.


This implementation follows the work of David Broman and his MKL and Modelyze simulators and the work of George Giorgidze and Henrik Nilsson and their functional hybrid modeling.

A nodal formulation is used based on David's work. His thesis documents this nicely:

Here is David's code and home page:

Sims implements something like David's approach in MKL and Modelyze. Modelyze models in particular look quite similar to Sims models. A model constructor returns a list of equations. Models are made of models, so this builds up a hierarchical structure of equations that then needs to be flattened. Like David's approach, Sims is nodal; nodes are passed in as parameters to models to perform connections between devices.

Modeling of dynamically varying systems is handled similarly to functional hybrid modelling (FHM), specifically the Hydra implementation by George. See here for links:

FHM is also a functional approach. Hydra is implemented as a domain specific language embedded in Haskell. Their implementation handles dynamically changing systems with JIT-compiled code from an amazingly small amount of code.

Unknowns and MExpr's

An Unknown is a symbolic type. When used in Julia expressions, Unknowns combine into MExprs which are symbolic representations of equations.

Expressions (of type MExpr) are built up based on Unknown's. Unknown is a symbol with a uniquely generated symbol name. If you have

  a = 1
  b = Unknown()
  a * b + b^2

evaluation produces the following:


This is an expression tree where ##1029 is the symbol name for b.

The idea is that you can set up a set of hierarchical equations that will be later flattened.

Other types or method definitions can be used to assign behavior during flattening (like the Branch type) or during instantiation (like the der method).

Unknowns can contain Float64, Complex, and Array{Float64} values. Additionally, Unknowns can contain values for any types with from_real and to_real defined. These methods define conversions from and to Float64 arrays. This allows Unknowns to be extended to cover additional types.

In addition to a value, Unknowns can carry additional metadata, including an identification symbol and a label. In the future, unit information may be added.

Unknowns can also have type parameters. For example, Voltage is defined as Unknown{UVoltage}. The UVoltage type parameter is a marker to distinguish those Unknown from others. Users can add their own Unknown types. Different Unknown types makes it easier to dispatch on model arguments.

In addition to standard Unknowns, additional variations are Unknowns are provided:


A model is a function definition that returns an Equation or array of Equations. Models can contain Models. Here is an example of two models:

function EMF(n1::ElectricalNode, n2::ElectricalNode, flange::Flange, k::Real)
    tau = Angle()
    i = Current()
    v = Voltage()
    w = AngularVelocity()
        Branch(n1, n2, i, v)
        RefBranch(flange, tau)
        w - der(flange)
        v - k * w
        tau - k * i

function DCMotor(flange::Flange)
    n1 = Voltage()
    n2 = Voltage()
    n3 = Voltage()
    g = 0.0
        SignalVoltage(n1, g, 60.0)
        Resistor(n1, n2, 100.0)
        Inductor(n2, n3, 0.2)
        EMF(n3, g, flange, 1.0)

The normal rules for function returns and array creation apply.

An @equations macro can also be used to specify the model equations. The main difference is that = can be used in models. Like Equation[], the result is of type Array{Equation}. Here is an example of one of the models above:

function EMF(n1::ElectricalNode, n2::ElectricalNode, flange::Flange, k::Real)
    tau = Angle()
    i = Current()
    v = Voltage()
    w = AngularVelocity()
    @equations begin
        Branch(n1, n2, i, v)
        RefBranch(flange, tau)
        w = der(flange)
        v = k * w
        tau = k * i

Equation definitions normally consist of other Models, MExpr's, or special types for other features like InitialEquation(equations). Right now, Equation == Any, but that could change in the future.

Any valid Julia is allowed in models and Equation definitions. Some limitations include:

Julia's multiple dispatch works well with a functional model specification. Variations of models or entirely different models can be defined with the same model name with different inputs. For example a Capacitor(n1::Voltage, n2::Voltage, C::Signal = 1.0) can specify an electrical model, and Capacitor(hp::Temperature, C::Signal) can specify a thermal capacitor.

Models can have positional function arguments and/or keyword function arguments. Arguments may also have defaults. By convention in the standard library, all models are defined with positional function arguments. Often, especially for long argument lists, versions with keyword arguments are also provided. As with any Julia functions, use methods(Resistor) to see all of the method definitions for Resistor. Variable-length arguments (args...) can also be used in models. Model arguments can be typed or untyped. In the examples above, model arguments are typed. The electrical nodes have type ElectricalNode from the standard library defined as

typealias NumberOrUnknown{T} Union(AbstractArray, Number, MExpr,
                                   RefUnknown{T}, Unknown{T})
typealias ElectricalNode NumberOrUnknown{UVoltage}

This allows the user to pass in a fixed value or an Unknown. A fixed value can be used to fix voltage (zero for a ground reference). Arrays can also be passed.

As with most functional approaches, arguments to models can be model types. This "functional composition" allows for easier replacement of internal model subcomponents. For example, the BranchHeatPort in the standard electrical library has the following signature:

function BranchHeatPort(n1::ElectricalNode, n2::ElectricalNode, hp::HeatPort,
                        model::Function, args...)

This can be used to add heat ports to any electrical branch passed in with model. Here's an example of a definition defining a Resistor that uses a heat port (a Temperature) in terms of another model:

function Resistor(n1::ElectricalNode, n2::ElectricalNode, R::Signal, hp::Temperature, T_ref::Signal, alpha::Signal) 
    BranchHeatPort(n1, n2, hp, Resistor, R .* (1 + alpha .* (hp - T_ref)))

By convention in the standard library, the first model arguments are generally nodes.

Right now, there are no substantial model checks.

Special Model Features

The following are special model types, functions, or models that are handled specially when flattening or during instantiation:

Connections / Nodal Models

Model Flattening

elaborate is the main flattening function. There is no real symbolic processing (sorting, index reduction, or any of the other stuff a fancy modeling tool would do). This returns an EquationSet object containing the hierarchical equations, flattened equations, flattened initial equations, events, event response functions, and a map of Unknown nodes.

type EquationSet
    model             # The active model, a hierachichal set of equations.
    equations         # A flat list of equations.
    initialequations  # A flat list of initial equations.

Here is an example of a flattened version of the example breaking_pendulum_in_box.jl. This model contains standard Events and a StructuralEvent.

julia> dump(p_f, 10)
  model: Array(Any,(1,))
  equations: Array(Any,(6,))
    1: Expr 
      head: Symbol call
      args: Array(Any,(3,))
        1: -
        2: DerUnknown 
          sym: Symbol ##8244
          value: Float64 0.0
          fixed: Bool false
          parent: Unknown{DefaultUnknown} 
            sym: Symbol ##8244
            value: Float64 0.7853981633974483
            label: String ""
            fixed: Bool false
            save_history: Bool false
        3: Unknown{DefaultUnknown} 
          sym: Symbol ##8245
          value: Float64 0.0
          label: String ""
          fixed: Bool false
          save_history: Bool false
      typ: Any
    2: Expr 
      head: Symbol call
      args: Array(Any,(3,))
        1: -
        2: DerUnknown 
          sym: Symbol ##8240
          value: Float64 0.0
          fixed: Bool false
          parent: Unknown{DefaultUnknown} 
            sym: Symbol ##8240
            value: Float64 0.7071067811865476
            label: String "x"
            fixed: Bool false
            save_history: Bool true
        3: Unknown{DefaultUnknown} 
          sym: Symbol ##8242
          value: Float64 0.0
          label: String ""
          fixed: Bool false
          save_history: Bool false
      typ: Any
    6: Expr 
      head: Symbol call
      args: Array(Any,(3,))
        1: -
        2: DerUnknown 
          sym: Symbol ##8245
          value: Float64 0.0
          fixed: Bool false
          parent: Unknown{DefaultUnknown} 
            sym: Symbol ##8245
            value: Float64 0.0
            label: String ""
            fixed: Bool false
            save_history: Bool false
        3: Expr 
          head: Symbol call
          args: Array(Any,(3,))
            1: *
            2: Float64 -9.81
            3: Expr 
              head: Symbol call
              args: Array(Any,(2,))
                1: sin
                2: Unknown{DefaultUnknown} 
                  sym: Symbol ##8244
                  value: Float64 0.7853981633974483
                  label: String ""
                  fixed: Bool false
                  save_history: Bool false
              typ: Any
          typ: Any
      typ: Any
  initialequations: Array(Any,(6,))
    1: Expr 
      head: Symbol call
      args: Array(Any,(3,))
        1: -
        2: DerUnknown 
          sym: Symbol ##8244
          value: Float64 0.0
          fixed: Bool false
          parent: Unknown{DefaultUnknown} 
            sym: Symbol ##8244
            value: Float64 0.7853981633974483
            label: String ""
            fixed: Bool false
            save_history: Bool false
        3: Unknown{DefaultUnknown} 
          sym: Symbol ##8245
          value: Float64 0.0
          label: String ""
          fixed: Bool false
          save_history: Bool false
      typ: Any
    2: Expr 
      head: Symbol call
      args: Array(Any,(3,))
        1: -
        2: DerUnknown 
          sym: Symbol ##8240
          value: Float64 0.0
          fixed: Bool false
          parent: Unknown{DefaultUnknown} 
            sym: Symbol ##8240
            value: Float64 0.7071067811865476
            label: String "x"
            fixed: Bool false
            save_history: Bool true
        3: Unknown{DefaultUnknown} 
          sym: Symbol ##8242
          value: Float64 0.0
          label: String ""
          fixed: Bool false
          save_history: Bool false
      typ: Any
    6: Expr 
      head: Symbol call
      args: Array(Any,(3,))
        1: -
        2: DerUnknown 
          sym: Symbol ##8245
          value: Float64 0.0
          fixed: Bool false
          parent: Unknown{DefaultUnknown} 
            sym: Symbol ##8245
            value: Float64 0.0
            label: String ""
            fixed: Bool false
            save_history: Bool false
        3: Expr 
          head: Symbol call
          args: Array(Any,(3,))
            1: *
            2: Float64 -9.81
            3: Expr 
              head: Symbol call
              args: Array(Any,(2,))
                1: sin
                2: Unknown{DefaultUnknown} 
                  sym: Symbol ##8244
                  value: Float64 0.7853981633974483
                  label: String ""
                  fixed: Bool false
                  save_history: Bool false
              typ: Any
          typ: Any
      typ: Any
  events: Array(Any,(1,))
    1: Expr 
      head: Symbol call
      args: Array(Any,(3,))
        1: -
        2: Unknown{DefaultUnknown} 
          sym: Symbol time
          value: Float64 0.0
          label: String ""
          fixed: Bool false
          save_history: Bool false
        3: Float64 1.8
      typ: Any
  pos_responses: Array(Any,(1,))
    1: (anonymous function)
  neg_responses: Array(Any,(1,))
    1: (anonymous function)
  nodeMap: Dict{Any,Any} len 0

The main steps in flattening are:

In EquationSet, model contains equations and StructuralEvents. When a StructuralEvent triggers, the entire model is elaborated again. The first step is to replace StructuralEvents that have activated with their new_relation in model. Then, the rest of the EquationSet is reflattened using model as the starting point.

Model Instantiation

From the flattened equations, `create_sim` generates a set of functions
for use by the simulation. The residual function has arguments
(t,y,yp) that returns the residual of type Float64 of length N, the
number of equations in the system. The vectors y and yp are also of
length N and type Float64. As part of finding the residual function,
we use several Dicts to map unknown variables to indexes into y and

SimFunctions is the set of functions used during simulation. All
functions take (t,y,yp) as arguments.

Initial Equations

Hybrid Modeling

Structural Events