
Maker is a Julia package to set up tasks and dependencies in a similar fashion to make or Rake. Like make, Maker evaluates file and code dependencies to update processing. The focus here is on data analysis, not build automation for code. Key features for data analysis include:

  • Detection of code changes–If part of the code changes, downstream dependencies are updated during processing.
  • Variable tasks–Most make-like tools rely mainly on files for dependency analysis. In Maker, Julia variables can also be used in this role. That allows more fine-grained control of code and dependencies. Maker was derived from Jake.jl by Mike Nolta. Juke.jl is another make-like tool written in Julia.

Most build tools like make use a Makefile or other build-instruction file. In Maker, a separate build-script can be used, but the API here focuses on use within Julia script files. The API in Maker is most similar to Ruby's Rake.


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