Making an SVG using Observables

This app mimics this JSServe app but with interactivity provided by Julia code compiled to WebAssembly.

Making the app

Observables are used widely by Julia packages to provide interactivity. For static compilation, they are problematic, though. The Observable type is not strongly typed, and it's challenging to compile statically.

What we can do is define some Observables and some interactivity and compile the results.

First, we'll create the basics for the updating SVG.

const colors = ["black", "gray", "silver", "maroon", "red", "olive", "yellow", "green", "lime", "teal", "aqua", "navy", "blue", "purple", "fuchsia"]

function circ(cx, cy, r, icol)
    ["<circle cx='", cx, "' cy='", cy, "' r='", r, "' fill='", colors[icol % length(colors) + 1], "'></circle>"]

function set_svg(nsamples, sample_step, phase, radii)
    width, height = 900.0, 300.0
    cxs_unscaled = [i*sample_step + phase for i in 1:nsamples]
    cys = [sin(cxs_unscaled[i]) * height/3 + height/2 for i in 1:nsamples]
    cxs = [cxs_unscaled[i] * width/4pi for i in 1:nsamples]
    rr = radii
    # make an array of strings and numbers to join in JavaScript
    geom = Any["<svg width=", width, " height=", height, " ><g>"]
    for i in 1:nsamples
        append!(geom, circ(cxs[i], cys[i], rr, i))
    push!(geom, "</g></svg>")
    obj = JS.object(geom)
    geom = JS.join(obj)
    JS.sethtml("plot", geom)

The method set_svg is what we'll ultimately want to compile.

To get there, we need the code that'll compile the Observables. The fix! methods take a set of Observables, walk their connections, and return a set of methods that will update the Observables provided. These methods unroll calls to the listeners of each Observable to make it easier to statically compile.

using Observables

fix!(os::AbstractObservable...) = fix!(Set{AbstractObservable}(), os...)

function fix!(ctx::Set{AbstractObservable}, x...)

function fix!(ctx::Set{AbstractObservable}, observables::Observable...)
    setfuns = []
    notifies = []
    for observable in observables
        observable in ctx && continue
        push!(ctx, observable)
        push!(setfuns, (makeset(ctx, observable), typeof(observable.val)))
    return setfuns
function makeset(ctx::Set{AbstractObservable}, o::Observable)
    listeners = tuple((fix!(ctx, l[2]) for l in o.listeners)...)
    return val -> begin
        o.val = Observables.to_value(val)
        nnotify(o, listeners...)
function fix!(ctx::Set{AbstractObservable}, oa::Observables.OnAny)
    return OnAnyHolder(oa.f, tuple(oa.args...))
    return val -> begin
        return Consume(false)
mutable struct OnAnyHolder{F,A}
function (x::OnAnyHolder)(val)
    return Consume(false)

function fix!(ctx::Set{AbstractObservable}, mc::Observables.MapCallback)
    set! = makeset(ctx, mc.result)
    result = mc.result
    resultlisteners = tuple((fix!(ctx, l[2]) for l in result.listeners)...)
    return MapCallbackHolder(mc.result, mc.f, tuple(mc.args...), resultlisteners)

mutable struct MapCallbackHolder{O,F,A,L}
function (x::MapCallbackHolder)(val)
    x.result.val = x.f(valargs(x.args...)...)
    nnotify(x.result, x.listeners...)
    return Consume(false)

@inline valargs() = ()
@inline valargs(x) = (Observables.to_value(x),)
@inline valargs(x, xs...) = (Observables.to_value(x), valargs(xs...)...)

@inline nnotify(o::Observable) = nothing
@inline nnotify(::Nothing) = nothing
@inline function nnotify(o::Observable, f)
    result = f(o.val)
    result.x && return true
    return false
@inline function nnotify(o::Observable, f, fs...)
    nnotify(o, f)
    nnotify(o, fs...)
    return false

We also need to patch up some internals in WebAssemblyCompiler. WebAssembly doesn't handle circular references. As a kludge, we assign defaults to circular references. We're okay with that here because these circular references are never used.

W.default(o::Observable{T}) where T = Observable(o.val)

The last part is pretty simple. We'll call onany to connect our set of input Observables os to the set_svg method. fix! returns a named tuple with a setfuns component that can be passed to compile. Each setfuns method is passed a value appropriate for that Observable. This triggers propagation of updates to the listeners.

onany(set_svg, os...)
setfuns! = fix!(os...)
compile(setfuns!...; names = names, filepath = "observables/observables.wasm")

With this interactivity provided by Observables, we've eliminated almost all of the JavaScript. JS.h methods are used to define the inputs, including an onupdate trigger that calls the appropriate WebAssembly function. These also define Observables and collect names for the WebAssembly functions. See examples/observables/observables.jl for the complete source for this example.